Project Description
Samaj Unnayan Kendra (SUK) is a social services organization based in West Bengal, India. SUK has been working on increasing socio-economic statuses of marginalized groups by providing them education, health, better livelihoods, cleaner environments and other relevant support services. SUK's current project revolves around reforesting the mangroves found in the Sunderbans in the Bay of Bengal. These mangroves have been experiencing soil erosion for many years due to deforestation. Urbanization, industrialization, and unsustainable forms of aquaculture have resulted in the shrinkage of this resource to a considerable extent. Mangroves provide so many ecosystem services to coastal communities and beyond; fisheries, fuel and timber, medicinal products, coastal protection among many others. Realizing this critical situation, SUK is focusing on mangrove restoration which is the regeneration of mangrove forest ecosystems where they were previously located. Planting mangroves can reduce shoreline erosion and can protect coastal communities against coastal flooding, high winds and waves, and regular disasters. Replenishing these mangroves will provide natural adaptation to the effects of climate change. SUK intends to cover a 55 acre area through reforestation of mangroves to protect the community, environment and ecological system – keeping the Sustainable Development Goals in its mind. The time period consists of three years. It will be done through involving the local Panchayet and other local groups such as the local police administration, Block officials, and women groups.
We use our Rotary Clubs inner active 4-7-8-17 banner to help us rate and display each of our club projects. The “Boxes” lighten for each “Box” that the project qualifies for. All projects must pass “THE FOUR WAY TEST” and at least one “Area of Focus” and one United Nations, 17 Sustainable Development Goals