Project Description
The Global Climate Pledge strives to bring together like-minded individuals and organizations to tackle the climate crisis, one signature at a time. The purpose of this pledge is to get top leaders and organizations together to create a positive exponential shift in climate change and our environment. The GCP creates partnerships with national and international Rotary clubs to create climate-focused programs that benefit their communities. It is bringing so many different groups together. It collaborates with RCAT groups, hosting forums and collecting signatories. It has hosted district- and zone-wide meetings I with clubs in Madagascar, Mauritius, South Africa and the greater Seattle area. Beyond supporting the environment, the Global Climate Pledge touches on every other area of focus too. It creates partnerships and “builds bridges” with Rotary clubs all around the world, emphasizing collaboration. It follow’s Rotary’s “4 Way Test” and embrace’s Rotary’s “8 Pillars of Positive Peace”. It’s strategy aligns with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
We use our Rotary Clubs inner active 4-7-8-17 banner to help us rate and display each of our club projects. The “Boxes” lighten for each “Box” that the project qualifies for. All projects must pass “THE FOUR WAY TEST” and at least one “Area of Focus” and one United Nations, 17 Sustainable Development Goals