Club Projects

Disease Prevention and Treatment

More than 100 million people are pushed into poverty each year because of medical costs. We aim to improve and expand access to low-cost and free health care in underdeveloped areas. Our members educate and mobilize communities to help prevent the spread of major diseases such as polio, HIV/AIDS, and malaria. Many of our projects ensure that medical training facilities are located where the workforce lives. (July 2014)

The Foundation enables Rotarians to prevent disease and promote health by:

  1. Improving the capacity of local health care professionals
  2. Promoting disease prevention programs, with the goal of limiting the spread of communicable diseases and reducing the incidences of and complications from non-communicableiseases
  3. Enhancing the health infrastructure of local communities
  4. Educating and mobilizing communities to help prevent the spread of major diseases
  5. Preventing physical disability resulting from disease or injury
  6. Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to disease prevention and treatment

Projects and Committee Chairs

  • Ayuda International
  • Building Bridges Through Rotary
  • Help in a Box-Water Projects
  • Help in a Box-Global Sustainability
  • The Oral Hygiene Initiative
  • Rethink Your Drink Program
  • The Cleft Project
  • 10 Reasons to not drink Soda